Appalshop News

3 years ago

We're proud to announce an NEH award to our Appalshop Archive

We are very proud to announce that the National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded our Appalshop Archive a new grant to preserve our…

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3 years ago

Our new film "Portraits and Dreams" selected for POV Docs Season 33

We’re very proud that our new Appalshop film was honored at the American Film Institute Documentary Festival this summer…

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3 years ago

We're funding ten Appalachian artists through the Appalshop Creators Fund

  At the beginning of the summer, we launched a brand new Appalshop Creators Fund to give out stipends of $3,000 to individual…

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3 years ago

We're unveiling Art on the Grounds

We’ve been making art and media inside our building on Madison Ave since we cut the ribbon on it in 1982.   Now we're very…

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3 years ago

Welcome Tiffany & Kathleen!

We put out a call this summer for Appalshop's new development director and Performing Our Future organizer. This fall, we are thrilled to…

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3 years ago

We're dispatching filmmakers to tell COVID-19 stories

  We’ve been making art and media in the mountains for 50 years — and we’re constantly redefining what that…

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3 years ago

Livestream this year's Red Fox Storytelling Festival

  Mark your calendars for the 3rd annual Red Fox Storytelling Festival to be livestreamed HERE on October 23rd and 24th! Enjoy the…

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3 years ago

Rest easy, E. We miss you.

  Appalshop shares the sorrow of so many in Appalachia, the South, and the world over for the passing of our longtime friend and…

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3 years ago

Watch our new film on your local PBS station Monday September 7 at 10 pm

We’re very proud to announce that we’re releasing a new Appalshop film — and that you can see it on your local PBS…

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4 years ago

We made a new film — and its world premiere is at the American Film Institute

 We're very proud to announce that we're releasing a new Appalshop film — and that it has been selected to make its virtual…

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