The Electricity Fairy (Film)

The Electricity Fairy

  •  Tom Hansell
  •  2010
  • Color IconColor
  •  52:13
  •  DVCam
Film Description
The Electricity Fairy is a documentary that examines America’s national addiction to fossil fuels through the lens of electricity. Filmmaker Tom Hansell follows the story of a proposed coal-fired power plant in the mountains of southwest Virginia, connecting the local controversy to the national debate over energy policy at a time when coal produced half of America's elecitricity and the energy plan before Congress identified coal as a key to America's "energy independence." Present day documentary footage is remixed with old educational films, connecting past policy to America’s current energy crisis.

Screenings & Festivals
  • Museum of Modern Art
  • Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers

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“The fight over the power plant in Wise County represents a larger struggle to define progress and development in American society as a whole.” — University of Kentucky