Lord and Father (Film)

Lord and Father

  •  Joe Gray, Jr.
  •  1983
  • Color IconColor
  •  45:00
  •  16 mm film
Film Description
Lord and Father documents the conflicting viewpoints of father and son over profitability and morality in the operation of a Kentucky tobacco farm. The issues come to a head when a cancer-related death strikes the tenant family that works their land, and the value of human life versus the necessity of making a living becomes personal. Integrated into this portrait is an overview of the economic history of tobacco growing in the United States and of sharecropping, the social system that underpins it. The film spotlights the bonds of duty, love, guilt, and economic interdependence that tie these families together.

Screenings & Festivals
  • American Film Festival
  • Brotherhood in Media Award
  • Festival Internacional de Cinema/Figueria da Foz, Portugal
  • Film Festival Rotterdam

Not yet preserved. To support the work of preserving and safeguarding the collections, please consider designating a donation to Appalshop Archive.


“A film about morality on an intimate level.” — Louisville Courier-Journal
“Very good juxtaposition of a personal profile with the social and economic environment …honest and caring.” — Educational Film Library Association
“Beautifully photographed, colorful, slowly paced and powerfully moving.” — Amrican Association for the Advancement of Science