Hush My Restless Soul

Carla Gover

Hush My Restless Soul

Release date: January 1, 1995

$5.00 – $15.00

Stream and download from Bandcamp

Carla Gover is a seventh-generation Kentuckian from a small coal town in Eastern Kentucky. Her rural sensibilities permeate her music, as well as the work she does as the artistic director for the Cornbread & Tortillas collective of Appalachian and Latino artists. Selected a Master Artist in Traditional Flatfoot Dancing by the Kentucky Arts Council and an award-winning singer-songwriter, Gover’s debut embraces the old-fashioned, old-school approach. “Hush, My Restless Soul” is pure and honest, featuring some of traditional bluegrass’ finest instrumentalists to back Gover up, and highlights the unaffected Appalachian vocal style she has carried forward to today.


“Carla’s music contains the best elements of traditional Appalachian music, including purity, intensity, integrity, and vivid imagery.” - Old-Time Herald