
James Still & Randy Wilson


Release date: January 1, 1992

$5.00 – $15.00

So often the words of great authors remain chained to the pages that they were published on, with only readers’ voices giving them their life thereafter. With the re-issue of “Heritage,” James Still fans have a chance to hear his work and thoughts directly from the author himself. “Heritage” was first released on Appalshop’s record label June Appal Recordings as a cassette tape in 1992, and stands today as an exemplar of the writing of this poet laureate of Kentucky. Randy Wilson, Eastern Kentucky musician who the “Mother of Folk” Jean Ritchie once called the “mountain Pied Piper for kids 1 to 99,” performs traditional music throughout the album.


“Still [was the] most remarkable poet that the mountain culture has produced.” - James Dickey