Appalshop News

We stand in solidarity to say that Black Lives Matter

4 years ago

Appalshop stands in solidarity with all those protesting the death of Breonna Taylor and David McAtee at the hands of the police in our homestate of Kentucky.

We stand with those protesting the horrific murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Sean Reed, James Scurlock, and many, many others.

We offer our full-throated support as we say unequivocally that Black Lives Matter.

We redouble our commitment to our mission to amplify the voices of marginalized people — including black people in these mountains — and we invite you to join local organizers in our region, long-time partner organizations like the Highlander Center, The STAY Project, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, and all those rising up to say that there can be "Not One More."

Condemnation and outrage are not enough: let us work together and show up to dismantle anti-Black racism in Appalachia.

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