Appalshop News

Archival Preservation

1 year ago

In October 2023, Appalshop Archive welcomed students and faculty from the NYU-MIAP Archival Preservation Exchange (APEX) to take part in a media salvage workshop led by the preservation staff of A/V Geeks

Many of our film, video, and audio items that were caught in the catastrophic July 2022 flood are being treated at professional preservation labs. However, because considerable resources are needed to save the full collection, the Archive has been spurred to develop our own capacity to treat flood-damaged media. 

Over 3 days, Archive staff and volunteers from NYU's Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program practiced ways to safely salvage flood-damaged magnetic media tapes, such as by repurposing old tape decks to clean and digitize different formats. The goal of the workshop was to provide tools to Archive staff and emerging archivists in the field. 

NYU students Anthony Gonzalez and Jenny Hsu clean and rehouse audiocassette tapes

Appalshop's Shane Terry and A/V Geek K. Sean Finch work on a deck while filmmaker Mimi Pickering documents

The workshop was made possible by a Preservation Assistance grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The NYU MIAP Archival Preservation Exchange (APEX) promotes international collaboration and academic dialogue on film and media preservation in order to safeguard the world‘s audiovisual heritage.

A/V Geek Skip Elsheimer and Appalshop's Caroline Rubens examine the insides of a 3/4-inch video playback deck

Among the items saved through the workshop is this priceless audiocassette recording of Hazel Dickens, Mike Seeger, and Tracy Schwarz at Augusta 1987.

Do you have questions about salvaging media or photographs? Reach out at [email protected].

Appalachian Media Institute Goes Beyond #GivingTuesday

Ever wanted producer credit on a film? Now’s your chance! 

Since 1988, the Appalachian Media Institute—known around here as AMI—has provided opportunities for young people across Central Appalachia to explore their home communities, address local issues, and become thoughtful, engaged citizens through the process of place-based media making.

The work of AMI youth producers has been heard on NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered, screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and the Sundance Film Festival, and recognized with the Coming Up Taller award presented by Hillary Clinton.

While documentaries made by AMI youth producers have been seen by audiences across the United States and the world, many pieces have had their biggest impacts in local dialogues and debates surrounding issues such as domestic violence, prejudice, drug abuse, and youth activism.

We’d love for you to support our youth. And if you donate to AMI by December 31, you’ll receive exclusive merch, including the opportunity to be listed as a producer! 

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