Appalshop News

Appalachian Flood Support Resources

1 month ago

In February 2025, Eastern Kentucky experienced another catastrophic flood. We are updating this page, originally made for the 2022 floods, to share resources and means of support to aid the recovery process. 

Below are clean-up resources and ways for folks to make financial donations that will continue to help those in need as we go through the long path to recovery.  You may also see updated information from the Governor of Kentucky by clicking here.

AVOID FEMA FRAUD: If a FEMA inspector comes to your house and you didn't submit a FEMA application, you may be a scam victim. Inspectors never collect payment for disaster assistance. To report fraud, call the FEMA hotline at 800-621-3362.

Local and State Officials:

Donation and Mutual Aid Funds: 

Legal Help

  • AppalReD Legal Aid offers FREE Legal help to low-income and vulnerable people in Eastern and South Central Kentucky - call 1-866-277-5733 for support.
    • For help with FEMA Appeals, Unemployment Insurance, SNAP Benefits, Medicaid/Medicare, Replacement IDs and Birth Certificates, Replacement EBT/Direct Express/WIC Cards, Insurance Denials, Scams and fraud, Housing (Homeowners and renters), other resources.

    • Disability Resource Center - If you have a disability and have been impacted by the recent flooding, please contact the Disability Resource Center at 606-436-0000 to discuss how the DRC can provide assistance.

    Clean Up and Recovery Resources: 

    • Tips from UK Healthcare to stay safe during Flood Recovery Cleanup
    • FEMA Assistance Information - 
      • Note: The application may not be updated with your county's disaster declaration yet, but you can pre-apply and the application will process when your county is declared. 
      • You may also call FEMA for assistance at 1-800-621-3362 or use their mobile app.
    • FEMA Kentucky Flooding Disaster Dashboard - with quick links for help for individuals and families, small businesses, and more
    • Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky - has a Crisis Aid Fund and list of compiled resources. Through their resource document, you can request support, sign up for volunteer opportunities, find hotline numbers for clean up, legal support, crisis counseling, and more, as well as many other vital means of support. Their crisis fund directly supports those impacted by the floods.
    • Asbestos and Disaster information - Flooding can disrupt asbestos in affected home and pose a serious health risk, check out the resources here for tips on how to deal with it.
    • Housing Can't Wait - Applications for housing opportunities for those impacted by Eastern Kentucky Floods. 
    • Our friends at KY RUX (Rural-Urban Exchange) have created a page with a series of resources–including statewide and site-specific resources, support hotlines, and more. You can view that list here.
    • SOAR has a Flood Resource page that includes information on how to navigate FEMA, how to replace lost documents, and provides updates from Kentucky Emergency Management–all on one page.
    • The Kentucky Heritage Emergency Response Network is actively working with the National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER), the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF), and Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM) to connect resources between those in the arts/culture sector on the ground in KY flood-affected areas with state/federal agencies.

    Other Resources:

    We will continue to compile resources and share updates as we are able. If you are aware of additional means of support, or want your work or community represented, do not hesitate to contact [email protected] and we will do our best to include you in our messaging. 

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